Optimizing your health is our number 1 goal. Quite frankly, whether you are trying to lose weight, burn body fat, improve your energy, sleep better, increase your sex drive or have more energy…you can’t do it in a sustained way without hormonal balancing.
Hormones are the chemical messenger for every process in the body.
Hormonal balancing does not cause cancer, it prevents it.
Ask yourself, when was the last time a woman in her twenties was diagnosed with breast cancer? Or when the last time a man in his teens, twenties, or thirties was diagnosed with prostate cancer?
Exactly! It is extremely rare to find those issues in younger men and women because their estrogen levels and testosterone levels are in balance at that age.
Our hormonal balancing protocols are based on more than 20 years of research, practice, and on personal experiences of our Bio-Optimization Director, Dr. Tammy. She has treated more than 30,000 men and women. When we provide hormone recommendations, you can guarantee that they are based on sound medical experience and research endorsed by the American Association of Anti-Aging Medicine.
This Could be the most important step you’ve ever taken to free yourself from the difficulties of hormone issues – because it’s going to help you discover the hidden causes of your hormone imbalances...how everything is connected...the root cause,
and how you can STOP the debilitating difficulties that come with a compromised hormone system...effectively and sustainably.
Pharmaceutical drug providers DO NOT want you to know this information. In fact, BILLIONS of dollars are spent every year to make sure you DON’T get this information.
And the reason is simple. They simply can’t maintain their billions of dollars in profits when such a simple solution to your problems can be so effective. Nor can they continue to sell you thousands of dollars in drugs every year if your symptoms are resolved through full body healing.
Here’s why this is so important for you right now.
What most people have learned about their health is completely wrong.
There is a health CRISIS in America right now...And the longer you wait, the higher your risk is for more debilitating hormone issues, including weight gain, mood swings, sleep issues and all of this can lead to more serious diseases.
If you're suffering from poor health in any way, with hormone issues or mood imbalance… then we are so glad you made this decision to come see us.
If you're sick and tired of feeling sick and tired……
...we have answers
You’ll discover the quickest way to get your energy back, start feeling healthier, and start feeling good about the way you feel. without having to go to a busy doctor’s office and get the runaround, with no real answers as to what’s causing your issues. You may have already experienced this. You may have been shamed or told that there’s nothing they can do or worse yet offered symptomatic control like depression meds, anxiety meds, sleep meds, weight loss pills or artificial dangerous hormones.
Unfortunately, too many doctors, and all pharmaceutical companies don’t want you to know that hormone issues can be SIGNIFICANTLY improved in as little as 3 SHORT WEEKS. And yet, that’s exactly what’s happening with my patients who learn and understand how to take back their health from the inside out. I know because I was one of those patients. I have had every hormone problem that a female can have and have used that information to find the root cause of hormone imbalance and help others just like you. When I had my issues, I turned to traditional medicine . I’m a family doc, right? That’s all I knew to do. 80 pounds later after my hysterectomy and mood and sleep issues that nearly cost me my life, I knew I had to find another solution. So I started the journey to not only understand for myself, but to help patients.
The word doctor in latin, means “to teach” and that’s exactly what we do.
Teach you how to take your power back and take back control of your health. Give a person a fish and you feed them once, teach them to fish and feed them for life. That’s what we do at the healing art centers is teach you how to control your health and wellbeing and truly understand all your root causes in an individualized step by step process that has helped over 30,000 patients in Dr. Tammy’s 20 years of practicing medicine. Men and women just like you.
Even those “worse case” patients who have suffered from hormone issues for years are finding rapid relief using these discoveries...
They’re saying that they no longer suffering from fatigue , chronic pain, “slow brain” or brain fog, weight gain, mood swings, menopause or menstrual issues, belly discomfort, sleep issues and the list goes on and on….
I have dedicated my life to finding a solution that heals. A solution that provides PERMANENT relief from chronic health and hormone issues.
In my quest to find answers and help both myself and my patients who have suffered the complications of this simple to understand process…
I spent more than twenty years coming up with the most effective approach possible.
And now…I’m ready to open it up to you
Full recovery MUST FIRST start with an UNDERSTANDING of the problem, so that we can come to realize the full solution together, SPECIFIC TO YOU…
I’ve combined my lifetime of research, medical school, residency, a career as a licensed family physician and founder of multiple programs of health, wellness and lifestyle including extensive study and application in hormone understanding and treatment. I have also combined this for anti-aging which may not mean much when you don’t feel well but when you reach optimal wellness, this will be of great interest to you I’m sure. And this will also benefit your family and generations to come. Knowing what causes these issues can have a long reaching effect on those you love.
All that we teach is simple to understand, but don’t assume it will be “easy” . This is not a quick fix or pill, it is a solution and understanding of the underlying cause of your issues and once you understand you will be empowered for a lifetime. You will never again be frustrated by the traditional medical system and the frustration of unanswered questions. We start with a full blood panel, inflammation testing and food and genetics panel to help you understand your unique issues. We make recommendations for bio-identical hormones, have a unique approach to thyroid and blood sugar imbalance issues and treat patients not numbers. We also treat our patients like family with full concierge care, with full unlimited access to our staff.
This is just the start… We look forward to helping you on your path to reclaiming your hormone balance, health and vibrancy.
I understand that this isn’t just about immediate relief from pain and discomfort…
It’s also about long-term relief that makes your quality of life BETTER for years to come.
Hormones are the chemical messenger for every process in the body.
Hormonal balancing does not cause cancer, it prevents it.
Ask yourself, when was the last time a woman in her twenties was diagnosed with breast cancer? Or when the last time a man in his teens, twenties, or thirties was diagnosed with prostate cancer?
Exactly! It is extremely rare to find those issues in younger men and women because their estrogen levels and testosterone levels are in balance at that age.
Our hormonal balancing protocols are based on more than 20 years of research, practice, and on personal experiences of our Bio-Optimization Director, Dr. Tammy. She has treated more than 30,000 men and women. When we provide hormone recommendations, you can guarantee that they are based on sound medical experience and research endorsed by the American Association of Anti-Aging Medicine.
This Could be the most important step you’ve ever taken to free yourself from the difficulties of hormone issues – because it’s going to help you discover the hidden causes of your hormone imbalances...how everything is connected...the root cause,
and how you can STOP the debilitating difficulties that come with a compromised hormone system...effectively and sustainably.
Pharmaceutical drug providers DO NOT want you to know this information. In fact, BILLIONS of dollars are spent every year to make sure you DON’T get this information.
And the reason is simple. They simply can’t maintain their billions of dollars in profits when such a simple solution to your problems can be so effective. Nor can they continue to sell you thousands of dollars in drugs every year if your symptoms are resolved through full body healing.
Here’s why this is so important for you right now.
What most people have learned about their health is completely wrong.
There is a health CRISIS in America right now...And the longer you wait, the higher your risk is for more debilitating hormone issues, including weight gain, mood swings, sleep issues and all of this can lead to more serious diseases.
If you're suffering from poor health in any way, with hormone issues or mood imbalance… then we are so glad you made this decision to come see us.
If you're sick and tired of feeling sick and tired……
...we have answers
You’ll discover the quickest way to get your energy back, start feeling healthier, and start feeling good about the way you feel. without having to go to a busy doctor’s office and get the runaround, with no real answers as to what’s causing your issues. You may have already experienced this. You may have been shamed or told that there’s nothing they can do or worse yet offered symptomatic control like depression meds, anxiety meds, sleep meds, weight loss pills or artificial dangerous hormones.
Unfortunately, too many doctors, and all pharmaceutical companies don’t want you to know that hormone issues can be SIGNIFICANTLY improved in as little as 3 SHORT WEEKS. And yet, that’s exactly what’s happening with my patients who learn and understand how to take back their health from the inside out. I know because I was one of those patients. I have had every hormone problem that a female can have and have used that information to find the root cause of hormone imbalance and help others just like you. When I had my issues, I turned to traditional medicine . I’m a family doc, right? That’s all I knew to do. 80 pounds later after my hysterectomy and mood and sleep issues that nearly cost me my life, I knew I had to find another solution. So I started the journey to not only understand for myself, but to help patients.
The word doctor in latin, means “to teach” and that’s exactly what we do.
Teach you how to take your power back and take back control of your health. Give a person a fish and you feed them once, teach them to fish and feed them for life. That’s what we do at the healing art centers is teach you how to control your health and wellbeing and truly understand all your root causes in an individualized step by step process that has helped over 30,000 patients in Dr. Tammy’s 20 years of practicing medicine. Men and women just like you.
Even those “worse case” patients who have suffered from hormone issues for years are finding rapid relief using these discoveries...
They’re saying that they no longer suffering from fatigue , chronic pain, “slow brain” or brain fog, weight gain, mood swings, menopause or menstrual issues, belly discomfort, sleep issues and the list goes on and on….
I have dedicated my life to finding a solution that heals. A solution that provides PERMANENT relief from chronic health and hormone issues.
In my quest to find answers and help both myself and my patients who have suffered the complications of this simple to understand process…
I spent more than twenty years coming up with the most effective approach possible.
And now…I’m ready to open it up to you
Full recovery MUST FIRST start with an UNDERSTANDING of the problem, so that we can come to realize the full solution together, SPECIFIC TO YOU…
I’ve combined my lifetime of research, medical school, residency, a career as a licensed family physician and founder of multiple programs of health, wellness and lifestyle including extensive study and application in hormone understanding and treatment. I have also combined this for anti-aging which may not mean much when you don’t feel well but when you reach optimal wellness, this will be of great interest to you I’m sure. And this will also benefit your family and generations to come. Knowing what causes these issues can have a long reaching effect on those you love.
All that we teach is simple to understand, but don’t assume it will be “easy” . This is not a quick fix or pill, it is a solution and understanding of the underlying cause of your issues and once you understand you will be empowered for a lifetime. You will never again be frustrated by the traditional medical system and the frustration of unanswered questions. We start with a full blood panel, inflammation testing and food and genetics panel to help you understand your unique issues. We make recommendations for bio-identical hormones, have a unique approach to thyroid and blood sugar imbalance issues and treat patients not numbers. We also treat our patients like family with full concierge care, with full unlimited access to our staff.
This is just the start… We look forward to helping you on your path to reclaiming your hormone balance, health and vibrancy.
I understand that this isn’t just about immediate relief from pain and discomfort…
It’s also about long-term relief that makes your quality of life BETTER for years to come.