Genetic testing looks for changes, sometimes called mutations or variants, in your DNA. Genetic testing is useful in many areas of medicine and can change the health, wellness decision making and medical care you or your family member receives. For example, genetic testing can provide a diagnosis for a genetic condition such as chronic fatigue or disease states like autoimmune disorders, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s or heart conditions, or information about your risk to develop cancer. There are many different kinds of genetic tests.
Genetic tests are done using a blood or saliva sample and results are usually ready in a few weeks. Because we share DNA with our family members, if you are found to have a genetic change, your family members may have the same change. Genetic counseling before and after genetic testing can help make sure that you are the right person in your family to get a genetic test, you’re getting the right genetic test, and that you understand your results.
Genetic tests are done using a blood or saliva sample and results are usually ready in a few weeks. Because we share DNA with our family members, if you are found to have a genetic change, your family members may have the same change. Genetic counseling before and after genetic testing can help make sure that you are the right person in your family to get a genetic test, you’re getting the right genetic test, and that you understand your results.
Dr. Tammy will take your raw data from test like “23andMe” and then run it through a special medical software that will process that raw data to make personalize recommendations for your metabolism, liver detoxification, supplements to support your body’s natural repair response, as well as medication clearance through the liver, medication tolerance profiles, exercise recommendations, immune status, cancer risk and so much more...